Kelly Kast

The Bristolon Chronicles!
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About The Book:

The Bristolon Chronicles was inspired by Kelly’s love of nature and her desire to share with children the importance of conserving our natural resources. The books are full of humor, friendship, adventure, and the opportunity to see nature through the eyes of her fictional characters, Bristolons, who are the offspring of the world’s oldest living tree species, the Bristlecone Pine.

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The Bristolon Chronicles is a series based on the adventures of four Bristolon, and three children. The first book reflects on how the Bristolon are captured by bad actors and need the help of the children to get away from them.

To provide a fun read for young children, with a hint of conservation and a lot of friendship.

The love for nature, and what true friendship and teamwork means.

Children of any age can enjoy reading this book series.

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